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But why, then, have 150,000 tech workers been given their walking papers since the start of this year?—Alan Murray, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023 Among those getting their walking papers was Isaac Perlmutter, chairman of Marvel Entertainment, according to the New York Times.—Khristopher J. Brooks, CBS News, 30 Mar. 2023 And he was just given his walking papers.—USA Today, 10 Jan. 2022 Bally’s has given Tribune Publishing its walking papers, exercising a relocation option in an attempt to force the newspaper company to vacate its mammoth River West printing plant to make way for a casino.—Robert Channick, Chicago Tribune, 13 Feb. 2023 As Marty gives Ike his walking papers (courtesy of Norman Horowitz, naturally), he’s got a new twinkle in his eye.—Erin Qualey, Vulture, 10 Dec. 2021 Two days after the law took effect in January 2021, Jack’s Abby handed in its walking papers.—Jon Chesto, BostonGlobe.com, 9 Feb. 2023 In a twist on the old refrain, Dallas’ failures have many fathers while its success was mostly orphaned the day Jimmy Johnson was handed his $2 million check and walking papers.—Dallas News, 13 Jan. 2022 Nobody will be surprised, however, if Gabby and Rachel get tearful, and more men get their walking papers.—oregonlive, 13 Sep. 2022